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Showing posts from May, 2023

Rotary Pressure Filters Sugar Refinery

Rotary pressure filters are extensively utilized in the sugar industry to filter carbonated liquor , a solution consisting of sugar and lime that has undergone carbonation to eliminate impurities. These filters are known for their ability to conduct both pressure filtration and cake washing within a single unit. A rotary pressure filter comprises a cylindrical drum that rotates at a gradual pace either horizontally or vertically. The drum is partitioned into multiple sections, each equipped with its individual filter medium, commonly made of cloth, and designated process zone. The drum is enclosed within a pressure vessel, which contains the feed slurry, wash liquid, and filtrate. Rotary pressure filter involves several key steps for proper filtration- Distribution: Carbonated liquor, containing a mixture of sugar crystals and molasses, is evenly distributed onto a filter medium (typically a cloth) that covers a rotating drum. The drum is divided into compartments, each filled with t