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Showing posts from June, 2021

Refined and Raw Sugar

During the processing of Sugar from Sugarcane or Sugar Beets, meager or well percentage of Molasses remains in final product. Amount of Molasses in Raw Sugar may vary depending on the use or absence of centrifuge in the processing. Such Sugar is brownish in color and has caramel-y flavor. This Sugar with little amount of molasses is knows as Raw Sugar or Brown Sugar. Refined sugars are processed from Raw Sugar. Refined Sugars are quite dissimilar to natural sugars found in fruits, vegetables and milk. Raw Sugars are processed to remove remove color and impurities. Table Sugar or Sucrose is widely used Refined sugar we use in our everyday life. Our body converts Sucrose or Sugar into Simple Sugar. Refined Sugars are extremely sweet compared to Brown/Raw Sugar and easy for our body to disintegrate. Refined Sugars are like quick energy for us as they take less time to get metabolized and provide Glucose. This is why consumption of Refined Sugars causes a quick raises of Insulin and Gluc

What is Sugar?

Sugar is a widely used crystal that makes our lives sweet. Sugar crystal can be colorless, white, or brownish depending on its refining state. Refined sugar is mostly colorless or white whereas less refined sugar tends towards brownish color. Chemically Sugar is Saccharides, a form of Carbohydrates. The sugar we use on daily basis refers to Sucrose, a Disaccharide. Disaccharides are formed when two Monosaccharides (Glucose, Fructose and Galactose) are bonded together by Glycosidic bonding. Monosaccharides are commonly known as Simple Sugar whereas Disaccharides are called Compound Sugar. Oligosaccharides and Polysaccharides are formed from the polymerization of multiple Monosaccharides and have a longer chain. They are not considered Sugar.  Image Source: Wikipedia In a nutshell, Sucrose is the chemical name of Sugar. And it is abundant in nature. Fruits, Vegetables and Plants contains sugar in them through photosynthesis. The sugar we see in our day-to-day use, is the crystalline form